Wet strength finishing of paper, paperboard and cardboard in stock.
Form of supply: White powder
Appearance: White, fine Powder
Viscosity of a 10% aqueous acidic solution at 23 °C: mPas. approx,10
(Brookfield viscometer, 60 rpm, spindle No.1)
Dilutability of the 10% solution: unlimited with water
pH of 10% solution at 20 °C: approx. 2.0 (solution acidified with hydrochloric acid)
Density at 20 °C apparent density of the powder: 0.6 – 0.7 g/cm³
Density at 20 °C density of the 10% solution: 1.033-1.037 g/cm³
Ionic character of the 10% acid solution: cationic
MAKS 11058 is readily soluble in warm, acidified water and after short time forms a bluish, opalescent, cationic solution. The resultant solution is ready for direct use and can be metered into the stock. Due to its high cationic character MAKS 11058 is attracted very quickly the cellulosic fibre. The solution has relatively good stability when kept in a closed container and can therefore be kept in stock. MAKS 11058 itself has a low formaldehyde content, thereby reducing undesirable odour during the papermaking process.
MAKS 11058 itself does not yellow and hence does not promote yellowing or greying of paper.
MAKS 11058 is a heat – curing resin. The paper drying process therefore requires special care. It is advisable to maintain a temperature 100-120°C on the paper over the last dryer section. A higher drying temperature accelerates curing of the resin to the final stage and full effectiveness. The condensation reaction of the resin has not always gone to completion by the time the paper has been formed; this should be kept in mind when the quality of freshly produced paper is judged. A strong temperature boost (about 120°C), e.g. with an infrared radiator, at the end of the drying section, produces an excellent effect if cylinder drying has been inadequate.
To judge the final condition of the paper, the wet strength is measured after the paper, fresh-off the machine, has been stored for 10 minutes at 120°C in a drying oven. The value obtained gives an indication of the maximum strength attainable by the paper in question.
MAKS 11058 is used in production of many type of papers. This resin increases the wear resistance, thus extends the life of paper. MAKS 11058 based papers (for example; banknotes) can be wrinkled and folded endlessly and still retain a good appearance.
This resin also provides wet-strength properties to speciality papers.
MAKS 11058 is used for the manufacture of paper, paperboard and cardboard with good wet tear strength, wet abrasion resistance and alkali resistance. It increases to some extent the dry tensile strength, the bursting strength and folding endurance. The product can also be used to improve other textural properties, e.g. erasibility and picking as well as the dimensional stability.
The product exerts no sizing action which would prevent ink penetration and is therefore particularly suitable for absorbent papers. When used together with sizing agents it considerably enhances their effect.
MAKS 11058 can be used in all types of paper-stock based on cellulose. Because of its high purity it has proved particularly suitable for the manufacture of fine and very fine papers. Paperboard and cardboard can also be finished to have excellent wet strength properties. Both absorbent papers with a neutral reaction and sized papers can be given wet strength with this product.
MAKS 11058 is particularly suitable for the manufacture of;
banknote paper, map paper, wallpaper, overlay paper, decor paper, passport & stamp paper, packaging papers including paper for sacks and foodstuff packaging, label paper, base paper for impregnating, coating base paper, solid paperboard of all kinds, document paper, laundry label paper, abrasive base paper, pattern paper.
WET WASTE: Re-dissolving presents no problem.
FRESH DRY WASTE: Immediate re-dissolving is possible without special measures.
STORED DRY WASTE OR WET STRENGTH WASTE PAPER: For economic reasons, dissolving in a special waste pulper is recommended at a temperature of at least 70-80 °C, a pH below 3.5 and, if necessary, in the presence of special, commercially available auxiliaries.
A stock solution is prepared by acidifying 90 liter of water at 50 °C with 2-2.5 liter of technical grade concentrated Hydrochloric Acid (specific gravity 1.16) or 3.5-4.1 liter of Formic Acid 85% (specific gravity 1.195) and then sprinkling in 10 Kg of MAKS 11058 with stirring.
The quantity of acid required depends on the hardness of the water. With soft water 2 liter of concentrated Hydrochloric Acid are sufficient but up to 2.5 liter are required for hard water or correspondingly, 3.5 resp. 4.1 liter of Formic Acid.
Water contamined with Humic Acid or its salts or heavy metal salts should not be used for preparing the resin solution. It also interferes with the effectiveness of MAKS 11058 in the paper-stock.
Regarding all types of paper for this, and related uses in European Community, no more than 1 mg/dm² formaldehyde must be detectable in a cold aqueous extract of the paper under test. However, it is the full responsibility of user to check up-to-date requirements on this matter in the territory of usage of final product. The manufacturer of MAKS 11058 does not take any responsibility to confirm the approval of usage of this material on such and similar applications.
MAKS 11058 is not approved for use in filter paper in contact with boiling or hot liquids.
The stock solution as described above can be metered direct into the paper stock. Faster distribution throughout the stock and more accurate metering during continuous addition is assured by diluting the solution. The cationic particles move very rapidly onto the fibre MAKS 11058 solution. MAKS 11058 can therefore be added to the stock until just before sheet formation, provided that thorough mixing is assured.
It is generally advisable to add the MAKS 11058 solution after all the other paper-making auxiliaries (except retention and neutralizing agents) have been added. Absorption of the resin is promoted by a low pH of stock suspension. Optimum results are obtained by adjusting the pulp to 4.5-4.7 with aluminium sulphate or, better still for non-sized papers, with Formic Acid.
MAKS 11058 is usually added in a concentration of 0.5 – 2.0% solid resin relative to the oven-dry stock. Greater quantities can be added if more stringent demands are made on the wet strength of the paper.
Your BIMAKS representative will recommend the optimum dosage necessary to ensure maximum program performance according to your specific system parameters.
Vessels made of non-rusting steel with an acid resistant rubber lining or glassfibre reinforced polyester vessels can be used as dissolving and storage vessels. Polyethylene containers are only suitable for storing MAKS 11058 solutions.
The MAKS 11058 stock solution is ready for use as soon as it displays a bluish opalescence, i.e. after about 10-15 minutes, if the recommended dissolving temperature and acid concentration have been used. Large production scale batches are, however, best allowed to mature for to 2-3 hours before use. Stock solutions of 10% concentration have virtually unlimited storage stability, but should be protected from evaporation.
As a standard precaution with all chemicals we recommend the use of personal protective equipments such as goggles and rubber gloves when handling. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet as the only official source of Environmental and Safety information.
The same safety precautions as for dilute acids should generally be observed when handling MAKS 11058.
MAKS 11058 may cause irritation to persons with sensitive skin. Protective skin care including the use of a barrier cream, is recommended.
The presently valid MAC value for formaldehyde is 1 ppm or 1.2 mg/m³ in ambient air. This limit should be adhered to since mocous membrane irritation cannot otherwise be ruled out in the case of sensitive persons.
MAKS 11058 can be stored for about 6 months, at 20°C. Due to its slight hydroscopicity the resin should be stored under dry conditions, in un-opened bags. Don’t keep under direct sun light.
The dosage quantity of the product changes according to the operating conditions and water chemistry of the system. BIMAKS representative will propose the appropriate dosage quantity to ensure maximum conditioning performance based on the distributed system parameters.